Celebrate nature and foster environmental consciousness

Event Overview

Join us for an uplifting day focused on enhancing our local environment and building strong community connections. Our annual Community Clean-Up Day invites residents and volunteers to unite in cleaning parks, streets, and riverbanks, fostering a cleaner, healthier, and more enjoyable community space for all.

Volunteering with Chari has been an incredibly rewarding experience. Witnessing the direct impact of their projects has reinforced my belief in the transformative power of collective compassion.



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CharityFlow event attendees show their support through presence and donations, aiding in raising awareness for the cause.

The event will kick off with an inspiring talk from a prominent local environmentalist, highlighting the positive impacts of community efforts on conservation. Complimentary snacks and drinks will be available to keep everyone refreshed and motivated. Don’t miss the opportunity to capture the day’s spirit with a community photo, which will be shared on our website and social media.

Why Join Us?

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Impact your community: Your participation directly contributes to reducing pollution and beautifying our shared spaces.
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Meet new friends: Spend the day with like-minded individuals who care about their environment and community.
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Get active: Enjoy a day outside, get some exercise, and feel great about making a positive impact.

Event Details

Sunday, May 12, 2024
9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Meeting point:
Oakwood Forest, meeting point: ranger station.
Provided supplies:
Trash bags, grabbers, vests, first-aid kits, gloves, recycling bins.
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